
3 tips to boost your creativity

Why should I improve creativity in my company? How can I do it? Will it be profitable?  These are some questions that we do have in mind when we are considering possible improvements and measures to attract more/new consumers.

No matter what your main activity is, pursuing creativity is critical to obtain positive outputs and to make a difference. Creativity is the perfect ingredient for any kind of business. So, pay attention to these keys we are suggesting from Lexington:

Pursuing creativity is critical to obtain positive outputs and to make a difference

1. Write all your ideas and ‘practise’ brainstorming

It is advisable, from time to time, to take pen and paper and write down your ideas. It will clear your mind. Paper is nothing like a computer screen, as long as you write, new ideas can show up and all ideas can settle.  This will be more practical if you include the staff in a brainstorming session. This will allow you to receive everybody’s ideas and points of view.

2. Encourage exchange of views among the staff

Knowing everybody’s tasks and roles in the company may help the staff to see the “big picture”. Exchanging views, opinions and advice can help the team to achieve the company’s main goals and to improve their own personal objectives.

3. Promote team-building sessions and after-work meetings

It is being said hat creativity is a gift, a talent we do have or have not, but in fact, companies can actually help their employees to develop and improve the creative capabilities. Team-building activities and after-work meetings do stimulate cooperative working and provide a favourable environment for creativity.  Leisure activities allow us to evade from our daily routine and to think out of the box.

For these reasons, in Lexington we do offer offices inside comfortable spaces, which provide the proper environment for stimulating creativity.

“Creativity involves breaking out of established patterns in order to look at things in a different way.”

Edward de Bono

Written by

Soraya Albaladejo
Soraya Albaladejo

Our CMO has become a corporate marketing expert after 12 years working towards finding *that* something that makes each brand unique. She is the one responsible for us featuring on the cover of every magazine because she knows how to make the most out of the rebel personality of our workspaces. Strategic, organized and the funkiest manager (she has rhythm, not funk, but not even her knows how to describe it!).

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