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For recruiters, having a structure in each job interview is the key to knowing how to deal with it successfully from the beginning: they should focus mainly on the objective of finding those professional and attitudinal aspects that are most interesting for the company and those which, in the end, make a candidate different from the rest.
Job interviews should follow a structure and planning to maximize the time available and know as much as possible about candidate profiles
At the time of the interview, it is advisable to make a previous explanation of the company and the vacant position to put the candidate in situation; making this you will allow that the conversation flows naturally and you will avoid at all costs that the interview becomes a mere interrogation.
With regard to the questions, from Lexington we propose six essential ones that every human resource professional shall take into account in selection process, note down!
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Start the interview by breaking the ice and let the candidate explain briefly his/her professional life. In this way, you will be able to know how his/her attitude, his/her synthesis capability and how he/she expresses.
As an interviewer, you will be interested in knowing what the candidate's strengths are and if they are compatible with the professional profile that the company is looking for.
As well as the candidate's strengths, you should also know his/her weakest points or those he/she believes should pay more attention to improve.
Every professional has certain aspirations and goals that he/she wants to achieve throughout his/her working life, so knowing his/her expectations will help us to understand his/her ambition and his/her future perspective. That is, if he/she sees the job he/she has requested as a professional projection or as a circumstantial job.
This question is the key in any selection process, since it allows you to know the skills, knowledge or values that the candidate could bring to the job and to the company. The answer can be the reason for hiring, because through it you will know what makes a candidate different from the rest.
Just as a worker can bring positive aspects to the company, so can the company to the employee; Job flexibility, growth as a professional or continuous learning, among others, could be some examples.
“Opportunities don't happen, you create them”
Chris Grosser
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