
In search of inspiration: 10 business leadership books to add to your library

Anna Jorge

Anna Jorge

04 Jan 2018

Books, great source of knowledge (and often entertainment), become essential elements in the office of all CEOs and entrepreneurs. Being a good leader implies having knowledge about human resources, financial management, business expansion, networking, process optimization and work methodologies, etc. For this, it is essential to have a good library that includes the best business leadership books.

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What are the essential readings for an entrepreneur?

Next, we will compile a list of the essential leadership books to keep a business up to date. There is for all tastes and colors!

For any businessman it is essential to have a good library that includes the best business leadership books.

1. The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership, by John C. Maxwell

A 'must have' of leadership, a classic applicable over the years, this is The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership. The author, through his own experience, explains in detail 21 laws that any employer can learn and easily apply to the management of their professional and personal life.

2. Learning from catastrophes, from Michael Useem and Howard Kunreuther

In this book, global experts in risk management offer innovative approaches to anticipate and respond to difficult situations. In this way, it is necessary to develop effective risk management strategies by the leaders of the organizations.

3. The art of war today, by Juanma Roca

How to apply military strategy to business? Starting from the book The Art of War by Sun Tzu, Juanma Roca draws conclusions aimed at business management in these times. They take as a reference strategic advice that is illustrated with concrete examples of companies and leaders who have applied them in their business management to achieve success.

4. Companies that fall, by Jim Collins

All companies can be vulnerable, regardless of their historical past. Jim Collins analyzes the possible factors that could cause the fall of a company through an analytical methodology that is divided into 5 phases and that allow to identify the decline of a company. Knowing these symptoms, you will be able as a leader to anticipate the crisis, anticipate it and solve it.

5. The executive to the minute, by Ken Blanchard

This book, published for the first time in 1982, explains 3 simple techniques that have been applied by thousands of executives when they are managing a business. If you want to increase productivity, as well as your and your employees' satisfaction, this is your book!

6. Delivering Happiness, by Tony Hsieh

Tony Hsieh tells his professional story over time, until he launches his Zappos company. In Delivering Happiness focuses on a company policy based on the happiness of all team members and how this methodology means greater productivity and more long-term benefits. A new company philosophy that will lead you to achieve the best results.

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7. Speak as in TED, by Carmine Gallo

Do you have difficulty when speaking in public or would you like to improve your speech? Based on the analysis (more than 150 hours) of Carmine Gallo about the world-renowned TED talks, you will find the most important secrets to make your public exhibitions a success.

8. Leadership, the power of emotional intelligence, by Daniel Goleman

Daniel Goleman, to whom the concept of emotional intelligence is attributed, analyzes in this book the different models of leadership: coach, authoritarian, conciliatory, democratic, exemplary and dominant. Of all of them, Goleman gives us the keys on which are the most suitable to be a good leader and the importance of combining some of them. If you want to know more about emotional intelligence and how it affects your notion of leadership, this book is a 'must read'.

9. The 8 keys of the leadership of the monk who sold his Ferrari, by Robin Sharme

This novel tells the story of Julian, a successful lawyer who one day decided to leave everything behind to move to live in the Himalayas and start a new way of looking at life and business. In this book, through fables and examples, 8 lessons of business success are explained. A must for the business world!

10. Strategy lessons with El Padrino, by Guillermo de Haro

Through the well-known film The Godfather, Guillermo de Haro studies the businesses of the Corleone, offering an analysis of the market situation in which families compete. Is a leader made or born? Learn it with this movie book.

And so far, a tour of the 10 business leadership books you need to read, at least once in a lifetime. Do you miss any?

"Somewhere in a book there is a phrase waiting for us to give meaning to existence"Cervantes

Written by

Anna Jorge
Anna Jorge
She goes nowhere without her iPhone! And that's because Anna is an expert in reels, trends, and always finding the most rebellious twists that characterizes Lexington! And if you don't believe us, just take a look at her Instagram. She has over 6 years of experience as a content creator, an overflowing passion for reading, and the perfect mix of millennial and Gen Z.
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