How to start a business

How to choose a good CRM for my company?

Ester Maicas

Ester Maicas

17 Nov 2016

Do you need to manage all the information you have from your costumers and leads and you don’t know how? The best option is to use a good CRM (Costumer Relationship Management System): it is a software that will allow your company to record all the interactions that occur and give you the choice to do an exhaustive control of them.

The implementation of a CRM will allow your company to manage all the interactions that occur with your costumers

The use of this management software arises from the need to keep costumers loyal as well as to implement new communication policies that allow receiving a more reliable and effective feedback. It will also give you access to centralize information, increase business productivity, carry out targeted marketing campaigns, access your business data in real time and improve costumers service.

So, if you have a start-up or a SME, pay attention to the following tips that we propose so that you can choose the best CRM for your company. There we go!

1. Define your main business objectives

To choose the best CRM, you must know the objectives of all departments and the company priorities, because they have different services and characteristics that you probably don’t need. So, analyse functionalities offered by different CRM and compare them with your objectives. You will find which one fits with your company.

2. Prepare the budget

You must prepare the budget that you are willing to pay for the new CRM, as well as for its implementation, maintenance and training of your workers. It is also important that you take into account not only start up costs, but also the benefits that the CRM will offer your company in the medim/long term thanks to the optimization of different work routines.

3. Easy, practical and intuitive

You should make sure that the use of the CRM is easy and intuitive for your employees, so they can automatize their tasks as soon as possible.

4. Involve the whole team

The main reason a CRM fails is because organizations fail to get their employees to use it correctly. If you want to avoid this, you must invest time and money in the training of the entire team, so they can take advantage of the potential offered by this investment.

5. Compatibility

Finally, if you already have computer systems and want to continue using tem after the implementation of the new CRM, you must be critical and analyse the compatibility of this software with such systems.

“You can’t beat the person who never gives up”

Baby Ruth

Written by

Ester Maicas
Ester Maicas

COO and Digital Manager in Lexington. In other words, a manager of managers! Our team player Ester, a trained mathematician with the most exceptional analytical mind, knows every detail about our workspaces, our internal processes and our team. She excels herself every day! Ester is the Chief Officer of so many Operations that her name is on everyone’s lips!

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