
12 creative books which will help you to develop your creativity and reach the top

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    Standing up for employees’ training, boosting internal promotion or meeting estabilished goals are some points that lead the company to success. Besides all that, there are some little actions that help to motivate employees engaging them on everything that happens in the Company.  Among all of them, we are going to highlight the fact of providing the employees with stuff to increase their knowledge and develop their creativity, which is a differenciating element in top projects. Thus, considering the importance of encouraing Reading, on this post, we are going to tell you which ones are the 12 creative books to make your team a grear leader.

    Books to boost your business Libros creativos para impulsar tu negocio

    1 >  “How to have creative ideas: 62 exercises to develop the mind”. Edward de Bono.

    Through 62 ingenious and practical games, A través de 62 prácticos e ingeniosos juegos, Edward de Bono stands for promoting creativiy. The author denies that this quality is an innate gift and it explains how to boost its developement. This method is also part of the student programms in USA, China or Russia . Undoubtedly, an essential book to wake creativity up.

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    2 > “The secrets of Creative Genious” Michael Michalko.

    What have Da Vinci, Picasso or Darwin in common? All this and much more is analyzed on this book by Michael Michalko in order to increase creativity. Inside it, the author offers the way to find innovative answers and methods to awake the most creative side of everyone. So, this book is perfect to make the employees think about how they can improve their work.

    3 > “Frames of mind: The theory of multiple  intelligences”, Celso Antunes

    We cannot miss this one by Celso Antunes when talking about books to increase creativity. The author analyzes the main skills of humand mind such as language or emotions and raises some exercises and tasks to awake the most imaginative ones. Antunes believes that creative work is the result of working on certain skills. Put them into practice and you will transfor your team’s view.

    The author analyzes the main skills of the human being such as language or emotions, and raises some exercises and tasks to awake the most imaginative skills

    4 > “Practical Creativity”. Henry Tod.

    The title is already relevant and comes straight to the point. Hery Tod stands for creating spaces to generate ideas as quickly as possible. Do not hesitate to give a copy to every employee. The results will be amazing!

    5 > “101 ways to generate great ideas”. Timothy Foste.

    With the aim of awaking creativity, the author compiles daily experience that will be very helpful. The best part is that the results have always been possitive.

    6 > “The ten faces of innovation”.  Tom Kelley.

    It is clear that innovation is the key to success and a factor which makes a difference in a market. Tom Kelly analyzes the importance of creativity and explains how to develop innovation in your job, with the aim of being a top agent in the sector.

    The book analyzes the importance of creativity and explains how to develop innovation in your job

    7 > “Gamestorming: A playbook for innovators, rulebreakers and changemakers”. Dave Gray, Sunni Brown and James Macanufo.

    Many companies are serching for the key that turns them into referents and to achieve that, creativity is important. For this reason, this book written by Dave Gray, Sunni Brown and James Macanufo is an example of leisure activities to exploit the resources of every employee. With it, the team gets to develop new approaches of the same view and meet challenges. Do you fancy improving your creativity?

    8 > “Creativity and new technolofies in modern companies”, Francisco Menchén Bellón.

    Nowadays, new technologies are related to every area of knowledge and creativity is not less important. With this book by Francisco Menchén Bellón you will get to boost the most creative side of your employees. The author defends the creativity as a differential element in companies.

    9 > “This book is written by you: 78 challenges of creative writing”. Carlos García Miranda.

    Writing is, undoubtedly, a challenge for creativity. Because of that, this practical book by Carlos García Miranda invites you to dare and do some exercises that will help to stimulate your more imaginative ideas. You can write, draw or paint whatever comes to you mind and then take it to your working routine in your company. What a challenge!

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    10 > “Learning to see creatively” Bryan Peterson.

    The author uses vision a visualization of different situations as the main element to understand creativity. Bryan Peterson understands creativity as a quality that can be developed, learned and put into practice. With all this, this book teaches you to go further and discover all the hidden potential through images.

    11 > “Increase your mental power” Philip Carter and Ben Russell.

    Our brain is the main engine for ideas and exercising boosts creativity. In this way, the authors of this book propose some exercises to work with your mind. Through tests, enigmas and riddles, you will improve your memory, mental agility and boost your ideas. If you want some books to awake creativity, this ine cannot be out of your library.

    12 > “The Factory of ideas!: Creativity and strategy in a diverse world”. Juan Daniel Correa Salazar.

    Finally, to closet he list of creative books we propose this original work by Juan Daniel Correa Salazar, where he carefully explains how to implement creative ideas on projects. The most interesting fact is that you can read it as a whole book or by chapters, as they make sense both together and by themselves.In conclusión, if what you want is boosting crativity in your employees, do not hesitate to dedícate time and space to encourage Reading. If you do not have a great área to read in your complany, give one of this book as a present for every employee for their good job. You won’t regret it!

    Written by

    Soraya Albaladejo
    Soraya Albaladejo

    Our CMO has become a corporate marketing expert after 12 years working towards finding *that* something that makes each brand unique. She is the one responsible for us featuring on the cover of every magazine because she knows how to make the most out of the rebel personality of our workspaces. Strategic, organized and the funkiest manager (she has rhythm, not funk, but not even her knows how to describe it!).

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