21 May 2020
During these past few years, the digital transformation of enterprises has been a hot topic we have all heard about; but for some sectors, this digitalization of processes was only possible in the long run, in a very distant future. However, the solitary confinement we have been living in for the past weeks or so, along with the abrupt halt in the working activity due to the COVID-19 crisis, have both together caused, all of a sudden, the acceleration of this new system. Hence, the digital transformation of enterprises has gone from being merely an option to becoming an absolute necessity for us to survive.
The digital transformation of enterprises has gone from being merely an option to becoming an absolute necessity for us to survive in times of coronavirus
Digitalization is a trend that has come to stay, with which many enterprises are already familiarized. This makeover has come gradually and naturally for these past weeks for many enterprises, since most of them have been preparing and working on this internal transformation for a long time now. Nonetheless, for those who have been putting these adjustments off, the interruption has caused an important setback, bringing uncertainty and instability for their employees.
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Therefore, a change of mentality and business culture is essential for these companies who need yet to start thinking about the transition process, especially if they want to survive times like these. In addition, even though our habits and routines have already been changing these past few years, the situation we are currently living has, no doubt, sped up the consolidation of new ways of consumption, previously not even considered as part of our everyday life. Then, we should not forget that the contemporary consumer has a profile that demands content from every possible channel and that is over-informed, so it is necessary to develop business models and e-Strategies suitable for such character if we want to reach them. Adjusting is the better change and the only way to ensure the survival of enterprises.
The digital transformation of enterprises has begun and become established from our homes as a consequence of the COVID-19 situation
During these months of confinement, many enterprises have opted for several digital tools, apps and processes that allows them to continue performing and offering their, thereby becoming a fundamental pillar for their business. This way they have successfully embraced this digitalization process, so necessary:
Enterprises whose activities are based on providing videoconference tools have, no doubt, capitalized their business during this quarantine time. Video calls are on the rise! This massive growth is due to, among other factors, the boost of teleworking from home; a measure adopted by most enterprises during quarantine.
The latest technology advances and the different videoconferencing tools available have made this renewal process way easier for many companies and their employees. Thanks to videoconferencing, work has remained as normal as possible for them.
Social media always seemed as something only for our personal and social matters. It was only recently that, as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, we have got to the point where we perceive it differently. Many companies have got involved in developing new communication channels. Nowadays, it has become a normal thing to see more and more brands running campaigns on social media and whose presence on them is now a part of their digital transformation.
Something of the sort has happened to virtual communities. They have been given more importance during quarantine, and even new ones have emerged because of the situation. From Lexington, we are still betting on the Lexington Community, a virtual space and meeting point for all our customers. It is a channel that allows us to keep in touch with our people so as to keep everybody updated on our latest steps and measures to be taken during this uncertainty we are living.
Long before we got here, online shops and services were already a part of our daily life, but it was not until all of this happened that they took off completely. Even some companies who did not have this strategy in mind have finally caved. This adaptation has become their only option to carry on with their businesses.
Online purchases and services are the definition of agility and speed. They allow us to make the best out of the time we have and, above everything else, their safe-delivery service has been key to survive during this solitary confinement.
We are positive we can say streaming platforms have been the absolute winners of the quarantine. Not only have live videos become an essential part of our daily entertainment, but also an important work tool, hugely spread over the business sector.
Thanks to live videos, both on social media and on streaming platforms, many companies and professionals have been able to hold their own webinars and events online. This way, they could be in touch with their customers and keep them updated on the latest news on their companies and products.
As you know, teleworking was the first preventive measure every company implemented at the beginning of this sanitary crisis we are living. It is flexible and conciliatory for many enterprises and workers, although most of them did not even consider it as a possibility before. Virtual offices and registered offices are now an advantageous option so as to allow these companies to work remotely and at their usual pace.
From Lexington, we are focused on strengthening our Virtual Office service (available online), a model that has made every daily task easier for our customers: phone calls, correspondence and courier management and so on, as well as occasional visits to our common areas or even events held in our meeting rooms. All of them, of course, properly organized following the sanitary recommendations.
Briefly, all of us have been witnesses of how a change is possible and necessary for our companies to survive. We should always look ahead to improve our present, to find out about our options and possibilities within this digital transformation. Our company must be proactive at all costs to be able to anticipate every change that may arise. Only then we would be truly preparing our businesses for any future change or new situation they may encounter, making them as solid and safe as they can be.
“Those who can’t adapt, will be relegated and doomed to disappear. Digital transformation is not an option anymore.”
Manuel Cermerón.
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