Trends in Offices

How can a business center help your company to achieve success?

Ester Maicas

Ester Maicas

11 Feb 2016

Do you have your own business and want your benefits to grow as you expect? To place your company in a business center could be a key element to achieve it:

 1.You will save on costs

  • Rent an office in a business center includes the instalments, facilities, services, staff support and technical support in case you need it, etc. All in one. This will let you have an important economic saving for your company.
  • In Lexington, we are applying an energy efficiency model in our centers, so you will be contributing to the reduction of power consumption and the ecological footprint. This will position you as a company responsible with the environment, another positive point to generate trust among your clients.
  • You can also choose the model of virtual office. It will let you to have a prestigious business address and all the advantages of a completely operative office, without being there.

2. You will save on time

  • You will be able to work from the first day, without worrying about buying or hiring all the material and services necessary for doing your daily tasks.
  • In Lexington business centers you have an excellent staff at your disposal, professional and with great experience that will attend all your requirements: from the call and correspondence handling, to the travel booking or translation services, among others.
  • You will have the support of an advisory service for labour, legal and countable questions in relation to the management procedures, the making of contracts, the control of your finance, etc. Moreover, you will be aware of all the modifications and relevant, legal and fiscal aspects.

3. You will screen a professional image

  • You will have a Premium location in the most representative financial areas, which will give a professional image to your clients.
  • The office and meeting rooms rent by hours, days or months will give you great flexibility. It will be also your great associate when you have important meetings in which you want to cause a good impression.

4. You will maximize your productivity

  • You will have at your disposal flexible areas, adaptable to your business needs in every moment and the latest technology. This will let you explode your fortresses and the one’s of your team in an efficient and productive way.

 5. You will extend your contact network

  • You will interact with directives and executives and you will have the opportunity of establish synergies and collaborations that help you to grow.

Definitively, to place your company in a business center will allow you save time and money, for you to address it to other aspects related directly with your company growth: attract new customers, design more powerful sales strategies and take advantage of the environment to increase the benefits, without worrying about anything else.

“ It’s fine to celebrate success but it more important to heed the lessons of failure” Bill Gates

Bill Gates

Written by

Ester Maicas
Ester Maicas

COO and Digital Manager in Lexington. In other words, a manager of managers! Our team player Ester, a trained mathematician with the most exceptional analytical mind, knows every detail about our workspaces, our internal processes and our team. She excels herself every day! Ester is the Chief Officer of so many Operations that her name is on everyone’s lips!

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Trends in Offices
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