Ester Maicas
25 Aug 2016
We are living in a ‘digitalised’ world and no one can escape it. ‘Traditional‘ businesses are accepting the challenge of changing their business model. Developing their company activities inside the digital media is key to maintain their activity and to keep on being competitive.
Taking part in the digitalisation process means to play a role in a modern mutable society, and today in our society technologies are crucial for business management. For these reasons in Lexington we have listed the following keys to face these changes comfortably:
1. Analysing necessities
Firstly, you must evaluate the goals for your company during the digitalisation process. If your company lacks of a well-defined strategy, it will not be able to live up to consumers’ demands and it will not fit into the new ‘reality’.
2. Getting to know the digital ecosystem
It is fundamental to keep in contact with the main actors of the digital ‘ecosystem’. The closer we are to tech companies (start-ups specially), the easier it will be for us to know how they perform their services. This way, we will optimize our own performance.
3. Recruiting multi-channel professionals
Companies in the way to adapt to digitalisation must seek advice from multi-channel skilled professionals: they will be able to blend both visions (digital and analogic) and to analyse/evaluate any step of the way.
4. Transformational leadership
The CEO, as business’ head, should be aware of the importance of this transformation. The CEO must know how to lead this transformation avoiding hesitations and barriers to change.
Digital transformation is crucial to improve competitiveness and to guarantee our company’s survival
Digital transformation is not only “a question of technology”, it is also deeply attached to our company’s roots: Rethinking business opportunities and achieving a major cultural change will be the main challenges.
“Internet and digitalisation are not just a tech leap, but an unprecedented cultural, economical, and political mutation”.
Ángeles González-Sinde
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COO and Digital Manager in Lexington. In other words, a manager of managers! Our team player Ester, a trained mathematician with the most exceptional analytical mind, knows every detail about our workspaces, our internal processes and our team. She excels herself every day! Ester is the Chief Officer of so many Operations that her name is on everyone’s lips!
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