
How to have an efficient and productive meeting

María Elipe

María Elipe

14 Jan 2016

In the world of business time is money, so we have to try to manage it in the most effective way to be able to achieve the proposed target as soon as possible.

To have an efficient and productive meeting you must take into account several aspects:

 1. Before the meeting

  • Fix previously the aims and lead the conversation to achieve them. This way you will avoid to talk about less interesting themes.
  • Inform yourself about your client: which is his/her business, which products or services he/she offers, the aspects about he/she is more interested in, which is his/her target group… if you find out these things, you will have less probabilities to enter an area you don’t control.
  • Choose appropriate spaces to listening and that convey a professional feeling. In Lexington, our meeting rooms offer you a wide range of possibilities, for you to choose the correct one, which adapts to your needs in every moment.

 2. During the meeting

  • Start the meeting doing a brief overview about the themes you’re going to talk about. This way, you will handle the relevant questions quickly and bluntly.
  • Technology is essential in businesses, that’s why it’s important that the meeting room has a solid IT infrastructure, to provide you the necessary technologic tools, for example, to visualize the presentations in a great monitor or to make videoconferences with clients who cannot attend the meeting physically, without any technical problem.
  • To count on a good catering service could be another plus point to you to create a more relaxing and receptive environment.

 3. After the meeting

  • Make a summary of the meeting and send it to your client, thanking his/her assistance. This will transmit him/her your great professionalism and will increase his/her confidence in yourself to future projects.
  • Review if the fixed targets have been achieved and analyse which things you could correct in future meetings.

Lexington business centers give you great facilities, regarding the space features as well as available services, for you to have an efficient and productive meeting and to be able to achieve efficiently your business objectives.

 “The efficiency aims directly to what we want to achieve, the effectiveness is related to how. The efficiency has and benefits properly the resources and reduces the necessary cost to achieve the desired aim” Guillermo Ballenato

Written by

María Elipe
María Elipe

Our Corporate Account Manager has more than 10 years of experience behind her, helping our customers to reach the finish line, to achieve their goals and to meet their expectations. How? With a tailor-made workplace strategy and a personalised office space. Her touch is unique, and so is she! Maria is a passionate tv-show fan, a literature lover and a vinyl record enthusiastic.

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