
How to deal with the employee’s needs?

In business world, our priority is to work with the aim of being ready for any situation. However, we do not pay enough attention to the key element in every business: our employees.

It is necessary to align our business requirements with our employee’s needs in order to achieve business success

This way, it is necessary to align our business requirements with our employee’s needs to achieve business success. Take a look at this situations in which you could get involved as businessman and find out how you should deal with them so that both parts (employees and company) benefit: 3, 2, 1… here they go!

#1 When they request a pay raise:

A pay raise represents recognition of the employees’ value, confidence and skills and, from the moment you hire them, you know that sooner or later you should try to offer it in order to keep them motivated and make them carry on with a good performance.

When they are the ones who ask for a pay raise, you should be cautious, reflexive and also try to be conversational and comprehensive. If you finally decide to offer it, you should take into account different points and requirements they will have to meet to be able to opt for it, like for example: compliance with corporate objectives, solving and communicative capacity, good relationship with the rest of the employees, professional learning or growth in the company, inter alia.

#2 Holiday request: 

Knowing how to manage your team’s holidays is not an easy task, but it is necessary as a good planning will help you to avoid contingencies and to keep everything under control when someone misses work. So, the best option for managing your employee’s holidays is opting for online tools which must be accessible and visible for the whole company so that everyone can know who is missing and distribute the tasks in advance.

#3 And what if they need a reduction in their working time?:

There might be a situation in which someone would need to ask for a reduction in his working time due to personal, familiar or health issues.

In this cases, recruiting a person to work part-time or a freelancer could be the best option for compensating this and achieving the monthly objectives established by the company.

#4 What to do when they ask for a leave?

From the moment when an employee asks you for a voluntary leave you must have a fixed plan. But, how to draw up this plan? You can start focusing on the latest recruiting processes because your Human Resources department will have already interviewed some candidates for the same position. So, get used to save their curriculums because you might need to fill a vacancy and your selection process will speed up this way.

 “The best work is teamwork”

Hernán Sabio

Written by

María Luisa Navarrete
María Luisa Navarrete
María Luisa is the heart and soul of our blog, always ready with the right advice and a unique sense of empathy. A true "Gaditana" at heart and a social media influencer, she inspires with her authenticity and experience.
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