Before deciding to expand your business and open your company to new markets, you must take into account some keys to establish the foundations of the business success. For this, we have taken the following guidelines and we tell you, moreover, which steps have followed our Workspaces Lexington to achieve the expansion year after year.
To consolidate your initial idea, to build the brand, to invest in talent and to adapt to the needs of your client are crucial to start expanding your business
1. Consolidate your initial idea
Define a strategy to achieve that your product or service has an adequate performance in the market, detail exhaustively which one is the necessary invoicing for achieving profitability and do not make new investments in expansion till your initial project earns the expected figures.
Lexington started in 1981 with the opening of the first Business Center in Spain, in Pº de la Castellana, 141. Once the business model acquired the adequate scale, it continued its expansion to new places, in Madrid as well as in Barcelona.
2. Build your brand
Do you know that the first company in reaching a market determines greatly the success of the company? Start building your brand from the values that define the corporative identity of your company, and offer a single customer service for differentiate yourself.
After 35 years of work, we continue true to our mission and vision of our brand. Lexington bets for placing the client as its top priority, offering valuable proposals, which let them optimize their costs and have solutions for space and for technology that guarantee to count on the most efficient structures, everything under total flexibility.
3. Invest in talent
To count on the best team for the expansion of your business will be crucial, because a company is successful as long as it is able to attract talent. Convey trust, appreciate and motivate your employees, this way they will be more compromised with the vision of the company.
In Lexington we understand the work as the way of develop ourselves and we try to make the way a constant apprenticeship that improves our human as well as professional qualities. A human team that attends and lives our clients’ needs as theirs always supports the projects and services we offer.To be faithful to the company’s values and to know how to motivate your employees will make them to be more compromised with the company
4. Adapt the product or service to new markets and clientsThe clients represent the fundamental base of your business, so investigate their needs to achieve the business success. Each market has different peculiarities; the same service must suffer some adaptations depending on where its commercialization is expected.We have made it this way in Lexington, where every of our centers, though having the same philosophy, they have various shades to cover up the needs of different profiles.Set up ambitious targets but reachable, have a plan and implement it, and what is more important, never lose the passion for fighting for your project.
“ It’s fine to celebrate success but it more important to heed the lessons of failure”
Bill Gates
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Could she be any more joyful? No, she could not! María is our Chief Financial Officer and Human Resources manager and, even after 20 years, she is still the most smile-y and cheerful person in the team, even though she’s always drowning in numbers, forecasts and selection processes. Mondays are less Mondays with her!
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