
What should your job be according to your personality?

María Abraín

María Abraín

16 Feb 2017

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    Since childhood we get used to listen to the typical question about what you want to do when you grow up, or what job you want to have in the future, a decision that develops over the time and which comprises both our preferences and our own personality.

    "Choosing a job is not an easy task, so knowing your skills will help you to know which position is better for you"

    So, we can say work and personality have a close relationship, which is why the following hints will help you to know the kind of job that best meets your personality. Will it be your current job?

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    Natural leader: You should always be the figurehead

    If you have an entrepreneurial  attitude, if decision making is easy for you and if you are good at managing work teams, then the positions which best fit you are those in which you can develop your leadership skills: lawyer, insurance agent, judge or chef are some of them.

    Supportive: you like helping others

    Your evident vocation is helping others and making them feel good. Because of that, the best jobs for you are: elementary teacher, dentist, nurse, sales advisor, social worker or those on departments oriented to customer care.

    Risky: You prefer acting to talking

    Critical and complicated situations are the natural environment for risky people who like having a more active and dynamic job. If you see yourself reflected in this definition, your ideal jobs are: detective, banker, sports coach, pilot or doctor.

    Tranquillity and patience are your main traits

    If, on the other hand, you prefer calmer environments is because you are a quiet person with a “Zen” attitude, so the Jobs that best suit you could be: biologist, landscape architect, librarian or even interior designer.

    Creative: You love challenges

    You are a dynamic and energetic person and you always like overthinking to have better ideas. If you define yourself this way, you have to do your best to be a good PR, publicist, coach, sales agent, journalist or economist.

    Sensitive and confident: you adapt to any situation

    If you have a great ability to adapt to different environments and listen to others: psychologist, writer, expert in HR or even physical therapist would be your best career opportunities. Go for them!

    “Attitude is a little thing that makes a big difference”. 

    Winston Churchill

    Written by

    María Abraín
    María Abraín

    Could she be any more joyful? No, she could not! María is our Legal & Procurement manager and, even after more than 20 years, she is still the most smile-y and cheerful person in the team, even though she’s always drowning in numbers, forecasts and selection processes. Mondays are less Mondays with her!

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