Referents Business sector

Most representative Business Angels in the Spanish business landscape

The field for businesses grows faster and faster as we are witnessing continuous changes. The appearance of new terms, new business models and the rise of cases such as the business angels are showing a stage with infinite possibilities.

But what is the role of the business angel?

These "business angels" provide financing and experience to entrepreneurs so they produce benefits in medium and long term. That is, they invest their money and their expertise to help enterprises to be launched them into  the market under their recommendation.

Business angels are born with the aim of helping new entrepreneurs. They represent a new way of funding, which is increasingly demanded

Concerning the economic side, despite the absence of specific amounts, business angels may fund operations between €50,000 and €300,000, or around 25% of its available capital. They usually support startups with a strong component of innovation and with ‘real’ growth prospects.In Lexington we have selected four of the most important and influential business angels on the national scene:

1. Carlos Blanco

Founder and CEO of Nuclio Venture Builder and Conector Startup Accelerator.  As business angel, he has invested in over 30 companies, among which are: Blueknow, Coguan, DAD, Pricebets, iGlobalmed, Reclamador, Kantox, PopPlaces, Captio or Infantium. He has a long career as an investor and he is currently a member of the Board of AEBAN (Spanish Association of Business Angels Network).

2. Elena Gómez del Pozuelo

President of Adigital, entrepreneurial and investor in BebeDeParis, Womenalia, Increnta, Incipy, Inesdi, Miximoms, Misoky and BrainSINS. She has co-founded seven startups and she is one of the most influential Spanish entrepreneurs in e-commerce.

3. Alejandro Suárez

President of the Foundation Marqués de Oliva, Director of Diario Qué! and Capital Magazine; Vice President of the IAIA (Association of Investors and Internet Entrepreneurs) as well as partner and Director of several companies.Entrepreneur, businessman, investor and specialized author in the area of new technologies.

4. Albert Armengol

This business angel has over 12 years experience in health sector in organizations such as Sanitas or DKV. Currently he is partner of three of the six companies that he has helped to rise:, and

Written by

Soraya Albaladejo
Soraya Albaladejo

Our CMO has become a corporate marketing expert after 12 years working towards finding *that* something that makes each brand unique. She is the one responsible for us featuring on the cover of every magazine because she knows how to make the most out of the rebel personality of our workspaces. Strategic, organized and the funkiest manager (she has rhythm, not funk, but not even her knows how to describe it!).

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Referents Business sector
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