Business dictionary

Project Work: what it is and what its advantages are

Business world evolves extremely quickly, new professional profiles, business models, different funding rates and new working methods are born continuously. In this respect, we will examine project work: a different way of achieving your business goals in which employees are responsible for their daily work and get involved directly in the projects where they participate.

In project work the employee is responsible for its own work and gets involved directly

As a result, the number of companies supporting working without bosses and focusing on projects is increasing every day. In this context, according to the latest survey by World of Business Ideas (Wobi) about business, economic and labour trends for 2017, the main part of recruitments during next year will be based on projects instead of defined models.

It should be kept in mind that projects are temporary so they require high creativity, dedication and motivation. For achieving the expected results you should take into account these conditions:

1. Define a leader

2. Good task planning

3. Orient you strategy towards results

4. Define the role of every employee taking part in the project for reinforcing the skills and abilities of all of them in order to maximise productivity and achieving the objectives.

5. Motivate the rest of the team. A good way to do so is rewarding the achievement of objectives.

6. Measure the results to make an assessment about how the management of the project has been and so, commit changes (if needed) to the following ones.

To succeed in project work you have to take into account: good task planning, motivation and to be oriented to results, among others

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But, what are the advantages of project work?:

  • Flexible working hours
  • More freedom: You are the one who decides.
  • The chance of increasing your income: Each professional is the one who sets the rates. Besides, being able to work in several projects at the same time is more profitable.
  • Reconciling work and family life.

However, project work also has its disadvantages because its temporary conditions involve working with temporary structures too, which can generate more stress and conflicts within the organisation.

“The only way to do great work is to love what you do.”

Steve Jobs

Written by

Cristina Seriñá
Cristina Seriñá
Cris is the face of our Talent & Training department. Incredibly kind, with a smile from ear to ear 24/7, she is the key person in driving a healthy and productive work environment. Her motto? "In the end, everything works out..." and she’s always right!
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Business dictionary
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