
The 10 most common mistakes of entrepreneurs

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    One of the main factors that lead a person bet for entrepreneurship is the loss of fear of failure. Not surprisingly, to start up a personal project supposes to risk time, effort and money, but it also can involve social or even moral losses.Though it is true that most of the actual successful entrepreneurs count with one or two defeats in their curriculum which has served them to learn about their mistakes, we sum up to you the most usual mistakes to learn about them without the necessity of experience them.

    Common mistakes

    1. To believe that a brilliant idea is enough. Although you had been the first one in designing a product or a business which could succeed, you must look for the way to put it in practice successfully.
    2. New does not mean necessarily rentable. Sometimes it is more practical and rentable to solve problems of existing products and services than venturing with new launchings that imply a higher inversion and uncertainty.
    3. To consider that a good product or service is sold by itself. Though it is essential to have a good raw material, it is indispensable to count on an appropriate strategy to make it known and guarantee its survival.
    4. To think we are able to do everything. To start a new project up requires a big effort in different fields, impossible to control by only one person. Form a good team of professionals specialized in different areas and they will throw you to success.
    5. Resistance to change. We have to take into account that it is frequent to change at every level as the business grows, and if we do not adapt to it, we can slow down its growth.
    6. To live without knowing the economic situation. If you don’t want to lose control of your business, you must be conscious in every moment of which are the costs derived of your activity and the benefits you obtain from it. Almost every successful entrepreneur on the internet area, have an MBA or any financial training.
    7. To close your eyes to reality. There are a lot of factors that interfere in the success of a business. Though it is impossible to control all of them, you have to take them into account to have a realistic vision of the future of your company in different settings and be able to act in consequence.
    8. Lack of motivation. To start a business for necessity detracts a powerful force to it. The illusion and effort are the most powerful weapons to win the battle of success.
    9. To set clear limits to your business. Every time we have a more global market, to close doors is useless. And the Internet plays a fundamental role to squeeze this opportunity.
    10. To insist in the same mistakes. Though you could be so proud of your business, it is possible that the public do not see it in the same way. If you find out that something doesn’t work, look for the causes and amend it. To correct a mistake can avoid you many headaches.


    “Failure is simply the opportunity to begin again, this time more intelligently” Henry Ford

    Written by

    María Luisa Navarrete
    María Luisa Navarrete
    María Luisa is the heart and soul of our blog, always ready with the right advice and a unique sense of empathy. A true "Gaditana" at heart and a social media influencer, she inspires with her authenticity and experience.
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