Table of contents
María Luisa Navarrete
26 Apr 2018
Table of contents
If you are an entrepreneur, you may already know that it is a job associated to some cliches which are related to negative concepts such as: seriousness and limited accessibility. Luckily, that perception is changing so we are presenting a classification of entrepreneurs which proves that.
“Your qualities and the way you see businesses is what makes you different as an entrepreneur”
The different types of entrepreneurs must be classified by their characteristics and their tasks inside the company. Every profile has its own features and a different way of seeing businesses. Despite the differences, all the entrepreneurs have common objective: Being the market leader and becoming successful.Now, we reveal the different types of entrepreneurs in business world. Do you want to know which one do you most identify with?
This profile considers that customers are the most important part for the company, so all his decisions are made according to this. He listens to their needs and improves his products so that the customers feel as if they were part of the company. He is always aware of what is happening and is conscious about the new emerging trends when it comes to offer his new products. He always tries to build a strong reputation.
The bossy one acts autonomously when he has to make decisions although he shares the business with more partners, not taking into consideration the opinion of the rest of them. He always wants to play the lead role in every operational situation.
This type of entrepreneur shares his business with more partners but, in this case, he also considers that team work means effectiveness. So that, he acts as any other member of the company and takes the opinion of the rest into consideration when he has to make any decision. In critical situations, he opts for a joint resolution for every problem as he considers these kinds of actions strengthen the bond between the employee and the company and it fosters the feeling of belonging.
This kind of entrepreneur is always up-to-date with the latest technology, especially with the one related to IT and electronics. He stands out for his ability to handle with technology, instead of for his executive task. That is why he leads his company to innovation, having the best technical equipment.
The main quality of the organiser is his analytical mind. He starts little by little, only by himself in the beginning and then, he expands to bigger companies. He is very organized so every step he takes in the company hast to be planned, and nothing is left to chance. Apart from other skills, he knows how to build good work teams as he notices and exploits the best part of every employee so they can be as productive as possible.
He lives for and because of his company. He is completely focused on his business and he makes every effort for its good performance. He also has a holistic view of the processes which affect the development of the company, as he considers all the departments must be committed to push in the same direction to avoid any other way that may stop them from reaching their goals.
Once you have known the different types of entrepreneurs, it is possible to have felt identified with more of one of them as the profile of an entrepreneur is very wide and has many different features. According to this, we are not going to limit the concept to only some of its characteristics as some key points to differentiate the profiles may be omitted.
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