How to build a brand

Tips to prepare good business cards

There are many who think that continuing to use business cards could be an old fashioned tool, but the fact is that although we are in the digital age, all these little slips of paper continue to threaten an effective way to make itself known.

Although we are in the digital age, traditional business cards continue to be very useful to make networking and attract new clients

Thus, business cards are, undoubtedly, one of the best ways to make networking and broaden your network of contacts. However give the image that you want to give in a paper of  8,5 x 5,5 cm, sometimes it is complicated, so Lexington is going to give you the following tips that you have to take into account if you want to impress through your business cards:

1. Professional Style

The business card is a small reflection of your personal and professional Brand, so pay close attention to the design. From the moment that you give it to the potential client or supplier, you are transmitting a determined image. Be aware that the style is in line with the company’s values.

2. Logo and corporative colours

Your company’s logo can´t be missing in your business card, as it is a visual element where your contacts could identify quickly where do you work. Furthermore, it is  essential that the predominant colours are the Corporative ones.

3. Necessary data

Incluye diferentes formas de contactarte como: nombre completo, email, teléfono, dirección de tu empresa, página web e incluso tus perfiles profesionales en RR.SS (Linkedin and twitter). Don’t forget to add a claim or a very short description where you explain in general what doses your organization do. Make your business model recognizable and knowledgeable at a glance.

4. Simple tools

You can always choose a Company to make you the design, but if you are one of those who have the clear ideas and prefer to make your own busines cards, there are many tolos that you can use as an easy way like:  Canva,  Zazzle or  Moo.

Important!, take them always with you as you never know in which momento a great opportuniy can come up, don’t forget.

                                                                                              “The road to success is always under construction”

Lily Tomlin

Written by

Soraya Albaladejo
Soraya Albaladejo

Our CMO has become a corporate marketing expert after 12 years working towards finding *that* something that makes each brand unique. She is the one responsible for us featuring on the cover of every magazine because she knows how to make the most out of the rebel personality of our workspaces. Strategic, organized and the funkiest manager (she has rhythm, not funk, but not even her knows how to describe it!).

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How to build a brand
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